FedTechServices' mission is to provide superior consulting services in network management and assist our clients by completing tasks in a prompt manner, without compromising quality or customer service.

FedTechServices, INC (FTS) is a minority, woman- owned small business enterprise recognized for deploying "best of breed" solution development architecture for the U.S. Military, including U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) and U.S. Forces- Afghanistan (USFOR-A). FTS meets the unique requirements of the military as it provides integration and solutions development, combining operational awareness with situational awareness, allowing individual control and management at the unit level without compromising HQ visibility.

  • Solutions Development
  • Government
  • Telecommunications
FedTech provides best Assistants

Working Everytime For Your Needs

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Who we are

FedTechServices' mission is to provide superior consulting services in network management and assist our clients by completing tasks in a prompt manner, without compromising quality or customer service.

What we Do

FTS provides the solution the customer needs. We use the next generation in technology to attack the heart of the problem. More than products, we develop solutions that can fix any application problem in the industry today.

Why Choose Us

FTS uses its global experience to partner with customers to create the best integration and solutions development for your company. Our goal is to develop and provide products and services of the highest quality to completely achieve customer satisfaction while meeting all relevant regulatory requirements.

Our Services

Our Special Services

FTS has devised a five-level hierarchical approach to make network management consulting simple. This approach to network management and security encompasses five levels of consulting and solutions development tasks from programmatics, implementation, operations, development and enrichment. Unlike any other consulting company, we can assist at every phase: before, during and after implementation. Whether you are struggling with an unsatisfactory or partially implemented solution, need an upgrade or just want top quality administration, FTS can help. We develop solutions that meet objectives while taking into account software and hardware already in place. FTS will help you deploy a network management solution that is successful and specifically tailored to your company’s network management needs.


FedTechLabs (FTL) is a combination lab environment and technology showcase. How can an organization be expected to determine what solution is right for them if they don't have a chance to get their hands on it? Don't take our word for it; go ahead and kick the tires.

Product Consulting

Our Consulting services are second to none. We deliver results in the shortest time possible without compromising the quality of service. Our detailed knowledge of the software is unmatched. Our pride in our work is evident from a growing list of reference clients.

Service Providers

From A to M (Application to Managed). We understand it is all about keeping your customer happy. We have provided valuable business consulting in many similar environments. FTS is a consulting company that has the answers and provides clients with value from day one. With FTS, you have come to the right place.


FedTechServices, Inc. (FTS) offers Operator and Administrator training in both Theater Network Management Architecture (TNMA) and Eagle-Scope.

Network Solution

In today’s economy, IT leadership is facing increased pressure to do more with less and improve communication and collaboration. Our team of highly skilled network and systems engineers are well postured to help organizations face this sometimes overwhelming challenge.

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FedTechServices and its principals have made network management simple for a broad spectrum of industries by providing product consulting, product training services, and integration for many clients.

How FedTech Assistants Works

FTS Provides The Solution: TNMA

FedTechServices announces the successful implementation of Theater Network Management Architecture (TNMA), by U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A).

Sit with relax & let your new
assistant do the tasks

Key performance indicators offline to maximise the long keeping your eye on the ball while performing deep.


Feel free to call us Toll Free : 866.462.2813

Awards and Recognition

diversity business award
Top 300 Small Businesses of the South, Business Leader Magazine
Gulf Coast Business Review's Top 500
diversity business award
Noble Named as Finalist Young Professional of the Year, Small Business of the Year
American Business Awards-Finalist
Certificate of Achievement for TNMA Training, 358th Regiment